75th AICC of Indian Commerce Association

Privacy Policy

Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University (Commonly known as Paher University) Udaipur totally protects the Privacy of whosoever visit and make use of online services and facilities provided by the University within the context of current Indian Legislation.
Following privacy policy has been framed and followed by the University with regards to collection, use and dissemination of personnel/professional information provided by online user and collected by University through its website. This policy is applicable only with official website of University created and maintained by University. Due to vibrant internet technology the framed policy may undergo changes and updation which will be regularly notified on this page.

Collection Of Information

Unless and until mandatory for administrative or required as per the rule University does not ask for any personnel information from any visitor of website. However certain section of the website are accessible only when one has registered with website providing personnel information some of which includes Alumini directory, faculty facilities, subscription to mailing list, admission application etc. By supplying such information you are consenting the university to keep these information for reasonable period of time and using it for official purposes. Such provided information will be utilized only for the purpose stated. As a general rule Pacific University will not sell, swap, rent or otherwise disclose to any outside party or for any Commercial purpose .University may disclose the information to person/agency who have a legitimate need to know the information to protect the legal rights.

Non Personal Information

Non personnel information can be used for statistical analysis, to make website more useful to visitors Such statistics may be made public however they cannot be tracked to individual users.


Pacific University uses "Cookies" to help you use our website interactively. A Cookie is a small file that website transfers to your computers is hard disk, usually to keep track of you while you are connected to that site.
The cookies of Pacific University web pages do not collect information about you, but only about your browser "session". The cookies makes it easier for you to use the dynamic features of these web page without having to provide the same information again as you move from one page to another. Information collected though Cookies cannot be tracked back to the user as it contains no personally identifiable data like name, address or phone number.

Security Protections

Pacific University take complete measures to protect the loss, misuse and altercation of the information which is in our control, although no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. We make our best efforts to ensure security of data received from you by secure technology, privacy protection controls and restriction on employee access, however we make no representations regarding the Varacity of such measures.

Changes To The Privacy Policy

In case of any change in this privacy policy, Pacific University will replace this page with revised and updated privacy policy. It is suggested to check, "privacy policy" page any time the user accesses our website so as to be aware of any change which may occur from time to time.
In Case of any question/query about security on our web page please mail us at.
it@pacific-university.ac.in Phone No.9672970958